Monday, August 29, 2005

Friendship (Diary)

Friendship is loving unconditionally and without reservation. It's picking up the tab and letting the tab be picked up. Friendship is not measuring bank accounts and job titles: rather the beauty and joy with which one enjoys life. Friendship is laughing loudly and screaming wrong trivia answers at the top your lungs, while whispering your secrets and knowing they won't be shared. It is forgiving as deeply as the hurt and forgetting anything ever happened. Friendship is unfailing, unflappable, infalable, faultless, and guiltless.

Friendship is a never-ending joy that brings light to the lives of those included.


At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the very best specimen of friend.

At 9:11 AM, Blogger D.J. said...

Love this honey!


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