Thursday, December 16, 2004

Balls (Essay)

My relationship with balls has always been hot and cold. Mostly cold. The tactical effort of throwing, catching, heaving, and batting never came to me.

As a child asked to strip off my shirt for a game of P.E. basketball, my doom would be sealed. I was the skinny one, picked last, or next to last, depending on which of the other ball-mishandler losers had successfully faked being sick that day.

For a betting person, I was a sure thing when it came to catching. If someone had said, “I’ll bet you a million dollars Jared won’t catch that football,” they might as well go to the store and collect because that thing was going to bounce off my face, guaranteed.

I remember when the curse finally broken for one magic moment. By a miracle just short of divine, I caught the football. It had bounced off my face already but I somehow got it back and started heading like hell for the end of the field. I made a touch down that day. I thought it was because I was a very fast runner. But laughter impairs one’s ability to run, jump, move, and tackle. And that day my classmates had no shortage of laughter after I had run, alone, to the wrong end of the field.

If I had my way, P.E. would be banned as a required academic course. I would legislate it right out of the school yard and a whole country of children who are afraid of catching balls wouldn’t have to do it anymore and a lot of therapists couches would be freed right up.


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